Retirement plan advisory

Defined Benefit Plan Solutions

Secure your retirement with our Defined Benefit Plan Solutions. We provide expert advice and management for your pension plans, ensuring a stable financial future.

Retirement Plan Advisory Services


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Defined Contribution Services

Defined Contribution Services

Defined Contribution Services involve managing plans where employee benefits are based on investment performance. Our services include plan design, investment options selection, and administrative support, ensuring a robust and compliant retirement plan.

Defined Benefit Plan Solutions

Defined Benefit Plan Solutions

Defined Benefit Plan Solutions focus on the creation and management of pension plans that promise a specific benefit at retirement. We offer expertise in plan design, funding strategies, and regulatory compliance, ensuring a secure retirement for employees.

Non-Qualified Plan Management

Non-Qualified Plan Management

Non-qualified Plan Management specializes in overseeing and optimizing non-qualified deferred compensation plans. Our expertise ensures these plans are efficiently managed, aligning with both employer objectives and employee benefits.

Pooled Employer Plan

Pooled Employer Plan

The Pooled Employer Plan is a comprehensive retirement solution for businesses, allowing multiple employers to pool resources, providing a cost-effective, professionally managed retirement plan. Our PEP simplifies plan administration, reduces fiduciary risk, and enhances investment options for participants.

Boosting Corporate Retirement with Defined Benefit Plan Solutions.

Defined Benefit Plan Solutions involve managing employer-funded pension plans that promise a specific retirement benefit. This service is crucial for ensuring these plans are financially sustainable and meet all regulatory requirements. It helps employers manage the complex financial and actuarial aspects of pension plans. For employees, it provides a guaranteed income in retirement, offering financial security. Our firm assists employers in managing the complex financial and actuarial aspects, offering employees guaranteed retirement income and financial security.

Enhancing Defined Benefit Plan Management Solutions.

Defined Benefit Plan Management focuses on the administration of plans that promise employees a specific retirement benefit, typically based on factors like salary history and length of employment. We ensure financial stability and regulatory compliance to keep pension promises a reliable part of employee retirement planning.


Tailored Defined Benefit Plan Design and Strategy

Our Defined Benefit Plan Solutions initiate with a tailored design process, meticulously crafted to align with your organization's unique landscape. We delve into your specific business goals, financial circumstances, and employee demographics to construct a pension plan that guarantees predetermined employee retirement benefits.


Funding Strategy and Risk Management

At the core of our Defined Benefit Plan Solutions is a comprehensive funding strategy coupled with a rigorous risk management framework. Utilizing sophisticated actuarial methods and financial modeling, we evaluate your plan's liabilities to formulate an optimal funding approach. Our solutions ensure stability and adaptability.


Regulatory Compliance and Governance

Regulatory compliance is critical in managing defined benefit plans. We ensure adherence to ERISA, IRS, and DOL regulations, monitor legislative changes, and implement best practices for compliance and governance. Our governance structure ensures transparency, accountability, and the highest standards of plan administration.


Actuarial Analysis and Valuation Services

We provide complete actuarial and valuation services for Defined Benefit Plans. Our qualified actuaries provide accurate and timely valuation reports to help you understand your pension plan's finances and obligations. Employee trends, economic conditions, and financial assumptions help us forecast liabilities and recommend funding.


Benefit Administration and Participant Support

Efficient administration and participant support are key to the success of any defined benefit pension plan. We offer end-to-end administration services, including benefit calculations, payment processing, and participant communications. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and positive experience for both the employer and the plan participants.


Plan Termination and De-Risking Solutions

For organizations considering plan termination or seeking to reduce pension-related risks, we offer specialized de-risking solutions as part of our Defined Benefit Plan Solutions. We assist with lump-sum buyouts, annuity purchases, and other strategies to effectively manage and transfer pension liabilities.

Specialized Expertise in Diverse Benefit Plan Types.

Our services address the complex needs of pension plan management, from leveraging innovative technologies for plan efficiency to implementing strategic risk transfers for stability, and offering specialized expertise across a broad spectrum of Defined Benefit Plan types.


Innovative Tech for Benefit Plan Efficiency

We specialize in a variety of plan types to cater to diverse organizational needs, including traditional Defined Benefit Plans, Cash Balance Plans, and Hybrid Plans. Our expertise extends to managing Frozen Plans, where we provide strategies for maintaining or transitioning these plans.


Risk Transfer Strategies for Pension Stability

Our Risk Transfer Strategies for Pension Stability focus on carefully evaluating and implementing solutions that shift pension liabilities to secure third parties, such as through commission-free annuities, safeguarding your organization's financial health and ensuring long-term pension stability.


Expertise in Diverse Defined Benefit Plan Types

We specialize in a variety of plan types to cater to diverse organizational needs, including traditional Defined Benefit Plans, Cash Balance Plans, and Hybrid Plans. Our expertise extends to managing Frozen Plans, where we provide strategies for maintaining or transitioning these plans.

The Impact of Defined Benefit Plans on Retirement Readiness

Retirement Plan Advisory


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